I have been so busy all summer...I love that some of my grandchildren come to visit for a week at a time. It gives me some one on one time with them. My 11 year old granddaughter is here this week. We have been to Medival Times, Disneyland, pottery painting and clothes shopping. She has been going to VBS at church in the evenings and now our week is almost over. It has gone by so quickly. Disneyland is hard for me but I love going anyway.
My 10 year old grandson was here for just 4 days this summewr since I had a family reunion end up falling on the same week that he was coming, but actually his family was snatching him away for a wedding. I ended up missing the Angel/Yankees baseball game that we had tickets to, but I know they had fun anyway.
I have not had time to work on my shops this week, but I am sure they will be waiting for me next week. All work and no play makes working dreary so this was another nice break.